Green Intelligence - Tree registration
Digital tree registration made possible to increase forest survival chances
The Green Intelligence restores damaged monoculture landscapes by establishing healthy and productive food forests. They do this to increase biodiversity, create resilient landscapes and develop economic opportunities for local communities.
When we started this project, trees had already been planted by The Green Intelligence, but there was no digitization yet.
Insight into planted trees
In order to estimate the amount of compensated CO2 and thus attract donations and subsidies, The Green Intelligence must be able to analyze and communicate about the number of trees planted and the distribution of planting areas across the country.
Not all planted trees survive. Without proper monitoring, there is not enough motivation for farmers to take optimal care of the trees and there is no way to quantify the success of initiatives.
Before we built an app, The Green Intelligence visited each location to teach farmers how to plant trees. This is not scalable when more and more farmers across Nepal are planting trees. Control must be decentralized and farmers must become more independent.
After a (remote) workshop, we built an MVP in a week. This MVP helps The Green Intelligence test their concept and understand how farmers use the functionality.
The MVP offers various functionalities:
- Instructions for farmers in multiple languages
- GPS tracking while planting trees
- Offline functionality
- Configuration module to register labels and tree types
- Overview of lots and planted trees
- Exporting Geographical Information Systems (GIS) tree types and coordinates