In an earlier blog, Richard van Osnabrugge, partner at Quatronic, shared five ways to increase sales with low-code. But of course, there are many more ways. In this blog, Richard looks at how you can create an advantage over your competition with low-code custom applications.
Optimizing your ERP landscape with customization
Which organization does not work with an ERP system? Chances are that this is a standard package, which works great, but just under one hundred percent fits your specific needs. With low-code, you can optimize your ERP landscape in a very cost-efficient way and create an ERP system that does perfectly match your business processes and needs. Now you might be thinking: Customization?! Isn't that very expensive? And that way, won't you become very dependent on the people who made it?! True, but this is especially the case with traditional programming code, where it can be difficult to understand and modify the code if there is no good documentation or knowledge transfer. The reverse engineering process can be complex and time-consuming, which further increases costs and dependency on specific individuals.
The basis: a standard ERP system
Of course, you can choose to build your entire ERP system from scratch as a customized low-code application, but that's a shame. There are so many well-functioning ERP packages. Of course, you can also opt for a standard package and then adjust it. However, adding customization can cause problems when you want to update the ERP system. Not a future-proof situation. What then? You can also use a standard package and supplement the missing functionalities with low-code. If you do this in separate layers, you retain the goodness of the standard ERP package and you can increase your distinctive and innovative capacity with low-code customization. So you can be faster and more flexible innovate and stay competitive in the digital age.
Layer of differentiation
On top of the standard ERP system, you place a 'layer of differentiation'. This differentiation layer is where you can show your differentiation from your competitors. Suppose you deliver your own orders, you don't distinguish yourself by having a different administrative package. But you can save costs if your order process is faster, if your drivers can drive optimized routes, or if your technicians can carry out their inspections faster. This results in more efficient processes, increased turnover, happier customers and motivated employees.
Layer of innovation
Where you can really make a difference is in the innovation layer. Here you can apply the latest technologies. An example of this is the installation of sensors in your commercial vehicles to detect how much material is still present. Imagine mechanic X going out tomorrow and your planning system knows he needs 25 copies of a certain part. The sensors detect that there are still twenty of those parts in his vehicle, which means that five are still missing. For example, you can use students or interns to supplement the vehicle so that the technician can concentrate on his work.
The three layers in practice: NextEnergy
Low-code helps you achieve these three layers. At NextEnergy, for example, we used low-code to work on all three layers. First of all, we optimized the basics with functionalities that every energy supplier needs, such as processing meter readings, viewing invoices and basic administration. In the differentiation layer, we then ensured optimal customer interaction, such as a simple registration process and viewing energy consumption with a mobile app. Finally, we also built the innovation layer for them: a solution that allows customers to connect to NextEnergy's modular battery system.
Do you also want to be able to make use of Quatronic's collective memory and are you curious about how low-code can transform your organization and what we can do for you? Please contact me by mail or give me a call on 06 46 99 32 62.
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