Discover the benefits of strong UX and UI for your software. Fieke shares insights about developing user-friendly software.
More and more organizations are discovering the importance of a strong user experience (UX) and an intuitive user interface (UI) in software development. But how do you ensure that software is not only functional, but also pleasant for the user? And what does that mean? In this blog, Fieke Thijssen, Business Technology Consultant at Quatronic, talks about the challenges and benefits of good UX and UI design.
Why UX and UI are so important
When developing B2B applications, the focus is mainly on supporting the - generally complex - business processes. For a long time, there was (too) little thought about how end users navigate through the application and what their experience is. The result? Screens that are overloaded with functionalities and are therefore very unclear. While we are getting more and more used to intuitive apps and websites privately, many business applications require thorough training. A shame, because by making software more accessible and intuitive, you increase efficiency and satisfaction among end users and get more value out of your digital transformation.
The impact of a good user experience
In recent years, we have seen a shift. And luckily. When UX and UI are prioritized from the start, applications are more quickly embraced by the organization. You often encounter resistance when introducing a new system. Employees wonder why they should switch, “the way it works now, isn't it working fine?” But if the new system is intuitive and matches their work processes, you remove much of that resistance. A good user experience and an intuitive user interface ensure that employees switch faster and with pleasure. You can also see that by including end users and other stakeholders early in the process, there are fewer questions and problems after delivery. The time you normally spend on support is significantly reduced, which also saves you time and money in the long run.
How Quatronic helps
At Quatronic, we work with specialized teams, also known as guilds. Our UX-UI Guild consists of five professionals, each with their own area of expertise. From the design sprints the right experts are involved in a project and, based on that input, they provide well-thought-out prototypes. Based on such a prototype, users can easily provide their feedback before we start actual development. Such a prototype provides a very nice basis for users to provide feedback, even before we start actual development. Is the layout not logical? Do you want to place the buttons differently? You can easily modify that in a prototype, which is much more difficult when the application has already been developed. This is how we accelerate the process, because the developers immediately know what needs to be done. With a visual design in front of them, they can develop in a targeted manner, which provides many benefits for the project. In addition, the use of prototypes removes ambiguities. Giving feedback on something concrete is much easier and more effective than talking about an abstract concept. Users can immediately see where the application is going and can specify concretely what works and what does not, so that together we arrive at a user-friendly, effective solution.
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