Focus in agile working is a game changer. Frank Grooten about efficiency and effectiveness in software development.
Agile working is hot. Focus in agile working is a game changer. It helps organizations respond quickly and flexibly to changing needs and market conditions, leading to more efficient and effective software development. But there is also a pitfall: lack of focus. In this blog, Frank Grooten, partner at Quatronic, delves deeper into the importance of focus in software development.
Focus on the essentials
Focus is critical to the success of any project. But what does that look like? It starts with setting a clear end goal with a clear background and what it will deliver. In addition, it helps to have a fixed 'go-live' date. With this dot on the horizon, you can then make a plan and define sprints that you are working on together. Also, give each sprint a clear goal. Define what you solve per sprint and not what you deliver. Should discussions arise during a sprint, a good sprint will provide focus and you can actually say that you have delivered value at the end of a sprint. This prevents team members from making their life's work out of functionality and delivering a Ferrari when a Polo was sufficient.
Think MVP and go live!
In the dynamic world of software development, “agile working” is the key word today. And for good reason, because agile working offers many advantages. A pitfall that we also often see is losing focus. People forget what the initial goal was to go live with, or what the 'Minimal Viable Product' should be? It's great to keep improving, innovating and evolving an application. But there is a risk that you will be stuck endlessly in the development phase without ever taking the step to live. It's vital to define the minimum set of features you want to go live with. Only then can you discover what needs to be improved and what adjustments are needed. If you delay this step, you will reap the benefits of your efforts later, you will not be able to make effective adjustments, and you run the risk of making a substantial investment that will not pay off.
Step by step
With OutSystems, you can also talk to the applications you already have. Revising your IT landscape therefore doesn't have to be a 'big bang'. You can proceed step by step, with an emphasis on focus. Waiting for the “perfect” time to change everything can lead to disappointment and unnecessary delays. By starting with OutSystems for specific parts of your system, you can reap immediate benefits and gradually upgrade parts of your existing IT landscape.
Are you curious about what our ambitious, thoughtful and critical consultants can do for your company? Or do you want to be ready to become such an all-round professional yourself. Please contact Frank Grooten via mail or give him a call on 06 48 28 46 70 and we'd love to talk to you to find out how we can help improve your business.
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